The annual 3-day boundary immersion takes place only one time a
year. It is intentionally held at the Whidbey Institute. The setting matters
for this deep inner work. The trees, quiet, uplifting architecture, incredible
food, simple cabins, walking trails, makes this a supportive setting to do deep
emotional truthful inner work.

Why only once a year?
This is very courageous, brave work. It takes time for people to commit
to this workshop. It takes lots of
energy to hold this space with the group and ensure that everyone is getting
what they need from the experience. The rest of the year, I work with clients
individually, I write, and teach in unique settings each month. Most of my
workshops are privately scheduled for private groups. There simply isn’t time in my schedule to
offer this more often. If you are interested in attending for 2020, please send
me an email and I will be sure you hear of registration early.
What size is the group for this workshop? This year the
group was 14 people. There will be a maximum size of 18 people for the future.
It is intentionally small to ensure your questions are heard and addressed
throughout the weekend.
What kinds of things happen in the workshop? All of the
activities are designed to give you insight into your own experience with your
boundaries. We use many mediums in the weekend to assure you are accessing your
inner wisdom. We use clay, art, theater, journaling, music, collage. This is not a boring lecture. It is playful
while at the same time being deep and there are many tears. Together, we work with the material and
experiences you have lived through. You get a chance to ask your biggest
questions and then we work on discovering the answers with you.
Here is a sample of some of the questions people brought
this year
If you are thinking of attending next year, I would love to
hear from you. I promise you coming just for the food would be wonderful. Here
are some words from the participants who attended this year.
"The location was amazing. The work was hard and rewarding. I learned so much. I'm looking forward to checking in with progress and questions."
"The workshop was extremely useful as a re-launch for clarifying my boundaries and next steps. I am going to try to do baby steps and move forward. Thank you for your gifts and sharing them with all of us."
"I learned. I grew. I felt supported! I have been avoiding setting my boundaries. We did a lot of work!"
"Thank you it was a great weekend. Glad the group wasn't any bigger. Your knowledge, wisdom, guidance is so greatly appreciated. The location, food, group was perfect! I loved the variety of things we did."
"I gained a lot from the Boundary Theater. It was hard to be so honest. I recognized that although my boundary challenges may be complex and extreme, the way I can address them will be pretty straight forward. Thank you for a deeply meaningful workshop weekend."
"I'm very pleasantly surprised with the depth and insight of the weekend. I'm so grateful."
Your time is precious. I hope you will make the time to join me next year for this extraordinary experience. May you allow your boundaries to take care of you.